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Concealed Groove Installation System: An Innovation in Ceramic Installation

Author: آریا صفرزاده


The concealed groove installation system is an advanced method for ceramic installation that utilizes a combination of chemical materials and mechanical connections for execution. This system is used for the longitudinal installation of tiles from behind the panel, but with the differences and attractive extensions it has been given.

In this installation method, tiles initially require machining horizontally, and then each panel is divided into two parts, the lower and upper sections. In areas where the hooks are installed using MS adhesive, grooves at a 45-degree angle in opposite directions are created on the panel surfaces. These grooves allow for easy relocation and replacement of the panels.

Concealed Groove System

A Deeper Look

This system consists of vertical aluminum profiles that are attached to the base walls using brackets. The brackets allow us to install T-shaped supports and adhere ceramic strips to the walls.

Installation of the panels in this system is done by placing them inside the horizontal rails pre-installed on the supports. This method allows us to easily relocate and replace the panels. Furthermore, with the use of MS adhesive and hooks installed at various points, the panels securely attach to the walls.

Concealed Groove System

Key Components of the Concealed Groove Installation System

The main components of this installation system include items such as thermal insulation, T-shaped supports, upper and lower hooks, fixed hooks, brackets, and ceramic panels.

Concealed Groove Installation System

Stages of Concealed Groove System Installation

        1. Installation of Vertical Profiles: Vertical profiles are attached to the base walls using brackets and screws.
        2. Installation of Horizontal Rails: The installation of horizontal rails requires precise positioning based on the blueprint, and this structure is connected to the vertical profiles using 5.5*19 centimeter screws.
        3. Panel Installation: Panel installation is carried out from bottom to top and is done by connecting them to the hook system.

This concealed groove system is an efficient and modern method for ceramic installation, providing easy relocation and replacement of tiles.

Zibaashian Pars Engineering Company, with a skilled and experienced team, is capable of installing and commissioning the concealed groove installation system with top quality for you. Stay in touch with us.

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